Have you ever discovered a life hack just when you needed to hear it? The timing and the solution perfect, and the next step so obvious that you acted immediately and have stuck with it ever since? Fitness Hacks There’s no doubt one of the best things you can do for your overall health is to make fitness a regular part of your life. In fact, studies have shown that even moderate levels of exercise can increase energy and reduce fatigue, improve your focus and decision-making, and increase your creative potential. For 20 years I’ve been collecting a list of all kinds of fitness, diet, happiness, and sleep hacks! Here, for the first time, are some of my favorite health hacks. Here’s how to keep yourself motivated and make workouts work for you (feel free to drop yours): 1. Listen to music. Believe it or not, music isn’t only a cure for boredom; it’s also a way to improve performance, increase motivation, and reduce distraction. 2. Enter a race. Signing up for a fun run is effective for establishing a fitness routine because it gives you a concrete goal to work toward and a deadline for achieving it. 3. Find solutions to workout while traveling. “I’m too busy traveling” and “I can’t find a gym on the road” are other common cop-outs for skipping a workout. 4. Healthy substitutes over quitting "cold turkey". Eliminating the foods and snacks you really love will only lead to binging. Finding the healthy versions or alternatives give you a more realistic chance at striking a healthy balance in your life.

I am terribly guilty of trying to do #4. It never works for me. Still working on that one boss.